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Fire and Emergency Services Administration: Management and Leadership Practices, Third Edition



Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Administration: Management and Leadership Practices, Third Edition covers the latest course objectives from the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education’s (FESHE) Bachelor’s Core Level FES Administration model curriculum (C0271), includes educational material for other fire science administrative college courses, promotional exam material, and can be used for self-study by FES Chief Officers to increase their professional and effective influence.

To effectively administer a modern public safety organization and the various components within them, individuals must possess a solid understanding of the always-changing issues that face the fire and emergency medical services. The Third Edition has been completely updated to deliver the very latest information needed to understand these challenges and will assist chief officers in making the proper decisions that can impact all aspects of their organization.

The Third Edition features:

  • Expanded emphasis on management and leadership of EMS operations.
  • Updated budgeting financial strategies, including advice on how to overcome shrinking budgets and economic downturn.
  • New guidance on hiring and diversity.
  • Expanded coverage on training, education, and fire fighter safety.

The following features are incorporated throughout the Third Edition:

  • Chapter Learning Objectives are listed at the beginning of each chapter, including page references.
  • Case Studies with discussion questions: Real-life administration situations help stimulate student discussion and highlight important concepts.
  • Facts and Figures: Provides useful and interesting history, facts, and other research relating to the fire and emergency services.
  • Chapter Summary, Key Terms, and Review Questions.
  • Chapter Activities: End-of-chapter Fire and EMS activities reinforce important concepts and improve students’ comprehension.

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