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Emergency Medical Responder, Canadian Edition



Emergency Medical Responder is an essential training program that fully covers the newly developed National Occupational Competency Profile for Emergency Medical Responders (NOCPs). Addressing the entire NOCPs with clarity and precision, this teaching and learning solution ensures student comprehension, encourages critical thinking, and emphasizes concepts of team leadership and professionalism.

With in-depth coverage of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology, as well as detailed illustrations, Emergency Medical Responder promotes an advanced understanding of the human body and current-day disease processes. Additionally, Emergency Medical Responder reinforces the concept of patient assessment the way it’s practiced in the field.

Emergency Medical Responder features:

  • Illustrated skill drills that highlight critical steps of patient management
  • Activities to support learning, assessments to evaluate comprehension, and sample course plans to reduce pre-class prep time.
  • Additional chapters covering:
    • Rescue operations and crime scene awareness
    • Terrorism and hazardous materials event response
    • Patients with special needs
    • Acute interventions for chronic care patients
    • Medical incident command

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