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Engine Company Fireground Operations, Fourth Edition



Engine Company Fireground Operations, Fourth Edition is brought to you by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and incorporates the latest recommendations from the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute and the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

This expanded edition provides an extensive study of engine company fire ground operations and is essential for fire service personnel preparing for promotion or for civil service examination. Fire fighters and company officers
will gain knowledge in fire science, building construction, and the effects of modern fuels in buildings that result in extreme fire behavior.

The Fourth Edition Features:
  • Four new chapters: Chapter 2: Fire Science and Modern Fire Behavior, Chapter 4: NIST/UL Overview, Chapter 8: Size-Up and Developing a Quick Initial Action Plan, and Chapter 15: High-Rise Firefighting
  • Case studies of strategies and tactics that align with recommended practices of engine company fire attack, rescue, and ventilation
  • Application of risk management principles to the Value-Time-Size method
  • An emphasis on attacking residential and commercial basement fires
  • A unique chapter on fireground operations, fire behavior, and responsibilities for company-level high-rise firefighting
  • In-depth coverage of all basic engine company responsibilities, including:
    • Equipment
    • Initial hose lays and water supplies
    • The deployment of attack, back-up, and exposure hose lines
    • Rapid intervention teams
    • Search and rescue
    • Master streams
    • Fire protection systems
    • Standpipe operations
    • Salvage and overhaul

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